The foundation of much current education assumes a scarcity of knowledge. The role of the teacher is to convey facts and test students on their memorisation of them. However, in 2018 Internet traffic was estimated to be 1.8 zetta bytes – or more than all the words humans have written in their entire history. The world has transformed from having a scarcity to an abundance of knowledge.
This transformation requires a major change in how and what we learn. A shift in the education system from the idea of ‘students’ who acquire knowledge, to the notion of ‘learners’ who acquire skills and the ability to apply them. As Satya Nadelal, the CEO of Microsoft, briefly remarked: “The “learn it all” will always beat the “know it all” in the long run.’ The implication is that from an early stage, teaching has to focus on discovering where knowledge lies, dealing with ambiguity and uncertainty and assessing and evaluating insights to solve a particular problem. These are the very human skills which Hans Moravec describes in his ‘landscape of human competencies’ as being least likely to be performed by a machine. Superimposing onto this the implications of longer working lives serves only to emphasise the crucial role of learning how to learn and discover (as well as how to ‘unlearn’).
なお、旺文社が出版した回答では、受験生向けなので、scacity を不足と訳してました。大人が読むときには、希少性という経済学的な言い方がしっくり来ます。
さてそれでは、学習者中心の学びが出来たかどうかは、どうやって評価したらいいのでしょうか? 次回に続きます。